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LATIN AMERICA - Coups and Resistance
Ilka Oliva Corado
Monday 25 April 2016, by
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Today dictatorships have ceased to be bloody, the US and the Latin American oligarchy have changed their strategy. Imposition is corporate made. A new kind of dirty war and Plan Condor which execute soft coups with its central axis: through manipulation by the media, and with this, numbing the minds of the masses (Latin American middle class) which due to their indifference are easy to use. Unaware they vote for structures which according to them (classist and racist) would only affect the most vulnerable, they will never realize (by being polarized) that they are only the springboard for the benefit of the vultures that afterward will treat them to what they are...
A clear example is the “NO” in Bolivia, the new National Assembly in Venezuela, Macri in Argentina, the attempted coup in Brazil against Dilma. And the neoliberal presidents in the rest of Latin America. In none of these the United States resorted to dictatorship as in past decades, it did that in times of democracy; it was a slowly but surely job where the administered doses were accurate: television, radio and print media. A little chaos to terrorize the population and it was enough.
The looting is industrial, is taking banking overtones and the extraction of natural resources is one of the main objectives; for that reason we see across the region the oppression of social movements and peasants who defend water and land. The ecocides are the order of the day, and mining industries do their own with the permission of sitting governments. An adjustment in economic policies that override investments in education, health, employment and housing, and conversely they invest in "security" to further undermine the population setting it apart of all social and insurrectional activism.
The resistance of progressive governments is not pleasing the United States, which with soft coups and manipulation of the masses, in democracy disguise, impeached Lugo, deposed Zelaya and intends to do the same with Maduro, Dilma, Evo and Correa. To Cuba it said to free his people from socialism, as if Cuba was not one of the most free people of the world precisely because of socialism.
Latin America by virtue of its colonized, classist and segregationist mind has become easy for neoliberalism to squeeze in through the cultural and political fissures. Through impunity. Where humanity, dignity and loyalty have no place. This is the resistance of progressive governments with its political reforms that have made a Latin America post-dictatorships blossom. They are healing the gaps and social fabric. They are offering jobs, food, education, home and improvement to marginalized majorities. They are imprisoning torturers, perpetrators of crimes against humanity. What neoliberal government is betting on the development of his people? To culture, to education, to health?
While it is true they are not the ideal governments -they still need to do much more- have taken wrong decisions, there are also corrupt disguised as progressives within their ranks, and many end up in Miami with businesses worth millions in money. That’s true and cannot be denied. But one thing is those who have betrayed the revolution, and another thing that governments are involved, as in the case of Dilma right now. The attack is not against her or Lula, is against the advancement of the Brazilian people.
Dilma has denounced these corrupt and as result Brazil is living a new coup attempt so that these same corrupt, she denounced, take over the government. This equation is not so difficult to understand. Because of their gender Dilma, Cristina and Bachelet have always suffered attacks. And patriarchy is perhaps the worst of our problems because it affects us all and is a standard by which we grow and is necessary to make it disappear together with misogyny and machismo. It is misogyny and machismo which at this time is attacking Dilma, with all their hatred to her gender, intelligence and integrity.
Soft coups will not end, attempts at coups have always been there and with strength, they are corporate and disguise themselves as votes, prayers and classist oratory, sanctimonious and dehumanized. Our double standards and our laziness to formulate our own analysis put us in the position of puppets and in this way we become the entertainment for those who really make of us shit show. Let us then sleeping it off.
Among other news, Cristina is back! Demonstrating that militancy is at any one time and with the people. Macri and his horde of vultures should get ready because this is just beginning. The Brazilian right and the US should also prepare because 50 million Brazilians who voted for Dilma would not allow themselves to be defeated just like that. What will they do to silence them? Perhaps, covering in blood the streets of Brazil? The Bolivarian Revolution is still resisting.
500 years of invasions and genocides have not been able to defeat La Patria Grande, and will not be now that it will be subdued.
contacto at cronicasdeunainquilina.com
Translated by Marvin Najarro.