– ISSN AlterInfos - Latin America: 1955-2556 Dial: 1955-253X Editorial Committee
Veronica Alfaro (México, United States), Amando Basurto (México, United States), Paola Diaz (Chile, France), Alain Durand (France), Manuela Garza (México, Central America, United States), Edward Gonzalez (Dominican Republic, United States), Delphine Grouès (France, Chile), Clara Ibarra (Colombia, United States), Jérémie Kaiser (France), Nicolas Pinet (France, Chile, United States), Reno Proc (France), Aline (…)
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AlterInfos, Dial and you
About Us
20 February 2008, by Dial,
Redacción AlterInfos
Support Alternative Participative Media, Support AlterInfos
5 June 2007, by Dial
Dial (www.dial-infos.org) is a French journal on Latin America published since the seventies (ISSN: 1955-253X). In September 2005, along with a group of Latin-American associates, Dial’s team started AlterInfos, an ambitious multilingual and participative information project taking benefit of developing web technologies. AlterInfos pursues the same goals Dial pursues since 1973: to provide a Latin-American perspective on Latin-American realities. It just grew multilingual as articles are (…)
RSS Feeds from AlterInfos
13 February 2006, by Dial
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML-based format for content distribution used by sites such as AlterInfos. RSS feeds include titles, summaries (or the first paragraph) as well as the links to the original articles. RSS trilingual RSS en French RSS en Spanish RSS in English RSS em Portugues
One of the ways to access RSS feed is to install a news reader such as RSS Bandit(PC - free) or RSSOwl(Mac and PC - free) which allow to group information from different sites and to access it (…) -
AlterInfos_via_mail, the weekly newsletter of AlterInfos
23 November 2005, by Dial
AlterInfos’s weekly newsletter will keep you posted on what has been published on the website in the last 7 days.
The newsletter includes the first paragraph of each article (without language distinction) and a link to the full text.
You may subscribe (or unsubscribe) to “AlterInfos_via_mail” at:
The first line allows you to choose the language in which the page is displayed. -
How to Publish in AlterInfos?
23 November 2005, by Dial
AlterInfos is a news cooperative relying on people living around Latin America and elsewhere. Your contributions are also welcome.
How does this work?
You can propose articles related to Latin America in the language of your choice (Spanish, English, French or Portuguese) "proposing them for publication"; These articles will be first read by DIAL’s editors and then published online.
What to do?
As you enter AlterInfos main page click on the link "Espacio Privado // Private Area", (…) -
AlterInfos, a complementary site of Dial, why?
23 November 2005, by Dial
Taking advantage of the latest technology, we came up with the idea of creating a publishing space which is less formal, more open and easier to use than our paper version.
This space will allow us to publish information on Latin America in other languages, above all in Spanish and sometimes in English, something which is not possible in paper format. This space also has a participative and interactive purpose: you can feed the site with information which you consider relevant or (…)