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AlterInfos_via_mail, the weekly newsletter of AlterInfos

Wednesday 23 November 2005, posted by Dial

All the versions of this article: [English] [Español] [français]

AlterInfos’s weekly newsletter will keep you posted on what has been published on the website in the last 7 days.

The newsletter includes the first paragraph of each article (without language distinction) and a link to the full text.

You may subscribe (or unsubscribe) to “AlterInfos_via_mail” at:


The first line allows you to choose the language in which the page is displayed.

The opinions expressed herein in the articles and comments are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of AlterInfos. Insulting or injurious comments will be deleted without previous notice. AlterInfos is a pluralist media with a sensibility leaning toward the left. It tries to echo emancipatory projects and struggles. Comments oriented towards the opposite direction will not be published here, but they will surely find another space on the web to do so.

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