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Support Alternative Participative Media, Support AlterInfos

Tuesday 5 June 2007, posted by
All the versions of this article: [English] [Español] [français]
Dial (www.dial-infos.org) is a French journal on Latin America published since the seventies (ISSN: 1955-253X). In September 2005, along with a group of Latin-American associates, Dial’s team started AlterInfos, an ambitious multilingual and participative information project taking benefit of developing web technologies. AlterInfos pursues the same goals Dial pursues since 1973: to provide a Latin-American perspective on Latin-American realities. It just grew multilingual as articles are published in Spanish, Portuguese, English and French. It also builds on multilateral participations as collaborators are scattered all around Latin America and the Caribbean.
Our goal, as our archives demonstrate, is to provide you with non-mainstream, alternative information so as to generate and promote diversified opinions and analyses on Latin America. We cover a wide variety of topics: politics, economy, cultures, religions and churches, human rights, gender, environment, immigration and inter-regional relations among others.
To comply with this objective, and because we believe that alternative media should work together, we have created partnerships with other alternative medias and organizations such as Democracy Now!, Centre Tricontinental (CETRI), Volcans, Europa Latina TV… Thanks to the valuable information and editorials such sources provide and to the work of our collaborators, we are now able to massively reach readers all around the world, every day. You are one of them.
As new collaborators join regularly, our team is constantly growing, and with it, the information we are able to make available. Our writers’ cutting edge editorials prove that AlterInfos is an open forum and a space where all of our voices can be heard.
But that is not all AlterInfos works hard to promote. Because we believe in debate and in equitable participation, because we are interested in your experience and opinion, every article provides a forum where you, the reader, becomes the writer.
– If you believe in alternative media,
– If you want to strengthen a more critical stance to information on Latin America,
– If in AlterInfos you have found a space to bring your opinion to light,
– If you want AlterInfos to survive and grow,
Make a Donation!
Help AlterInfos on its way to becoming a primary source of information on Latin America and the Caribbean. With contributions of readers like you, we will be able to deal with the technical and human costs we have (server hosting, web editors), and continue to expand our network of alternative medias.
If you are interested in helping AlterInfos grow, you can donate in three different ways:
1. If you have a French or European bank account, you can make a money transfer to Les Amis de Dial bank account:
Account Name : Association Les Amis de Dial
Address : Crédit Mutuel Lyon Jean Macé (France)
RIB : 10278 07304 00062667101 41
IBAN : FR76 1027 8073 0400 0626 6710 141
2. If you have a French bank account, you can also mail a check to “Les Amis de Dial” to the following address:
Association Les Amis de Dial
c/o Louis Michel
11 rue Billerey
38000 Grenoble
3. You can also make a donation via PayPal, a highly secure internet payment system. To do this, all you need is a credit card or/and a PayPal account. For us, this is the solution with fewer fees if you do not have a French or European bank account . You will receive a donation confirmation via e-mail.
To make a donation using PayPal, make a click on the following button :
Thank you for reading and participating in AlterInfos, we hope we can count with your help and we will continue to work for you.
The editors at Dial and AlterInfos.