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AlterInfos, a complementary site of Dial, why?

Wednesday 23 November 2005, posted by
All the versions of this article: [English] [Español] [français]

Taking advantage of the latest technology, we came up with the idea of creating a publishing space which is less formal, more open and easier to use than our paper version.
This space will allow us to publish information on Latin America in other languages, above all in Spanish and sometimes in English, something which is not possible in paper format. This space also has a participative and interactive purpose: you can feed the site with information which you consider relevant or interesting and thereby enrich and diversify the site. For more details read the article "How to Participate".
We hope that this initiative will help spread the work of DIAL, a bimonthly journal that has been publishing information on Latin America for more than thirty years. Due to the fact that most of this information is not accessible in French, we have put forward the initiative of translating articles coming from Latin America. Even though we are still faithful to this option, we have decided to widen our scope and introduce translations in other languages.
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email: redaction AT alterinfos.org
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