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It is Imperative to Destabilize Venezuela
Ilka Oliva Corado
Wednesday 2 November 2016, posted by
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They are impatient for the Bolivarian Revolution to collapse. There have been too many benefits for the outcasts, too many development opportunities for the marginalized of the system, and this is something the right and international capital can not live with.
On December 7, 2015, Hillary Clinton celebrated with Latin right wingers in the United States that the National Assembly was in the hands of the Venezuelan right, and swiftly made use of the occasion to give a speech that fueled the destabilization in the country, which served as a spur for detractors who joined the uproar demanding the US military invasion of the country.
In June 2016, Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS, intensified the attack against Venezuela, invoking the Democratic Charter and promoting a coup in the country, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Delcy Rodríguez denounced it internationally.
On October 19, 2016, the Chancellor expressed Venezuela rejection to a video promoted by the Democratic Party that compared Hugo Chavez to Trump. No wonder the epicenter of Latin America right in the US is located in Miami, it was there where the video began circulating. In the same video former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, compare Trump with Fidel and Chavez, also with Mussolini.
Meanwhile in an article published on September 30 in the Miami Herald (Latin American news media identified with the right in Miami) Hillary Clinton declares that she’s in favor of a supposedly greater Latin American unity. Clinton is clear and reveals that the perennial interference in Latin America will continue with more force, she mentions the two pillars, north and south: Mexico and Brazil. Also Honduras where we have seen the atrocities of the years following the coup to Zelaya.
But the presidential candidate can not avoid mentioning Cuba, she says that she wants to extend the ties and restore the relationships so that the Cuban people can decide their future, and also that the United States will continue its work against human rights abuses on the island, which rights, is she referring to Guantanamo’s?
She speaks about maintaining the pressure on Venezuela to eradicate the consequences of the political and humanitarian crisis as a result of the authoritarian regime of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. She confirms once again that the United States is with those who want change in the country and that it won’t leave them alone. One word is enough for a wise man.
On Sunday October 23, the National Assembly led by the Venezuelan right, with Ramos Allup and Capriles as the leading voices, shook the honeycomb seeking to destabilize the society and playing off the rightists against those who defend the achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution. They weren’t satisfied with the cancellation of the recall, with good reason, what does it mean the signatures of more than 10, 000 dead, 1,300 fake ID cards, and 1,300 inmates? How do Ramos Allup and Capriles explain this?
Rightists protest marches are announced, and again Almagro wants to play a part in the burial. Uribe and cohort also want to be part of it. Venezuela has not only the US capital against it, but also most of neoliberal governments of Latin America who don’t give a damn because the oligarchies are doing very well covering the back to the United States. And what about the global media coverage that woke up with the breaking news, manipulating the information for the benefit of international corporations already imaging themselves choking with the oil, so much defended by Chavez and which Maduro continues to do.
However, the people who are aware of the achievements of the Revolution will not back down, and against that there is nothing any interference can do, however Uribistas and oligarchs they maight be, or the tricks, riots and recalls they turn to; the people have already woke up and that was the work of Chavez, and which Maduro has followed through.
For the United States and the international right is urgent to destabilize Venezuela, to end the Bolivarian Revolution, and take in the revolt Ecuador and Bolivia, bringing to an end the progressivism in the continent, and Cuba remaining as the last one (ha, that’s all) which according to them with the continuation of the blockade will give up . By the way, what are the real intentions of the United States by trying to establish a close relationship with Cuba if at the same time is accelerating the military invasion against Venezuela?
It has tried all the means available, riots, soft coups, massacres, economic warfare, media manipulation on which it has spent millions of dollars and has not been able to defeat Maduro and the people of Bolivar and Chavez. What is the US’ next step to take over the natural resources of Venezuela?
We must not forget what it did to Gaddafi, and how Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria look today. Chavez already said it: it still smells like sulfur!
Crónicas de una Inquilina
Translated by Marvin Najarro.